Virtuaalfoorum eestlastele üle maailma



Virtuaalfoorum eestlastele üle maailma toimus 3. detsembril ja on järelvaadatav.


Virtuaalfoorumi avasõnad ütles välisminister Urmas Reinsalu. Foorumil arutleti märtsis 2023. aastal toimuvate Riigikogu valimiste eel, kui palju välismaal elava eestlase hääl üldse loeb ja kas ning kuidas välismaalt on võimalik Eesti ühiskonna asjades kaasa rääkida? Foorumil arutleti ka infovahetuse teemadel, s. h diasporaa meedia rolli üle olevikus ja tulevikus. Tehti lülitusi väliskogukondadesse. Muusikat tegi Puuluup, kes on just tagasi jõudnud maailmaturneelt. Jõulueelne mõtisklus üllatuskülaliselt Viljandimaalt Anu Raualt. Virtuaalfoorumit juhtis Anett Numa.

Foorumil on nii inglise kui ka venekeelne tõlge.

The Global Estonian virtual forum was held on the 3rd of December.


This time, ahead of the parliamentary elections in March 2023, the virtual forum looked at the extent to which the voice of Estonians abroad counts and how much can people influence life in Estonian society from abroad.

Editors and journalists of the Estonian diaspora media are in the studio to discuss the current and future role of the diaspora media.

There are live interviews from communities abroad and folktronic band Puuluup, just returning from a world tour, will provide musical entertainment.

Foreign Minister Urmas Reinsalu gives opening remarks.

The virtual forum was moderated by Anett Numa.

The virtual forum of the Ministry of Foreign Affairs can be watched from any location with an internet connection. You can watch it in Estonian, English or Russian.


· Introduction by Anett Numa
· Welcoming statement by Foreign Minister Urmas Reinsalu

· Live interviews from abroad
· Panel discussion ‘Does the voice of Estonians abroad count?’ (Raul Rebane, Peeter Püvi, Reet Marten Sehr)

· Music by Puuluup

· Live interviews from abroad
· Panel discussion ‘A Common Information Space – a Dream or a Possibility?’ (Marcus Kolga, Sirle Sööt, Ülle Toode)

· Anu Raud from the Heimtali Museum contemplates on the Estonian essence
· Musical finale by Puuluup

Estimated end of the event at 18.00

Urmas Reinsalu, Foreign Minister
Raul Rebane, Journalist, communication consultant and strategic adviser
Peeter Püvi, Director of the Consular Division, Estonian Embassy in Finland
Reet Marten Sehr, Estonian World Congress (ÜEKN), Vice President of the Estonian Central Council in Canada
Sirle Sööt, Editor-in-Chief of the Rahvuslik Kontakt magazine, Chairwoman of the Estonian Association in Sweden
Ülle Toode, Journalist, communication lecturer, founder and chairwoman of the Italian Association of Italy
Marcus Kolga, Journalist and political scientist from Canada
Anu Raud, Textile artist and writer, academic
Anett Numa, Moderator




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