In English: The November Nights Film Festival NÖFF finished with an exclusive film night
Reedel, 24. novembril toimus Novembriööde Filmifestivali NÖFF viimane filmiöö, kus esilinastus film “Maestro Roman Toi. Beautiful Song I Dedicate to You” (2022). Filmi käis esitlemas Kanadast, Torontost režissöör Kalli Paakspuu. Pärast filmilinastust toimus vestlus filmitegijaga inglise keeles. Filmiöö lõppes Apteeker Melchiori filmidega “Timuka tütar” ja “Viirastus”.
Film Roman Toist ei räägi mitte ainult Roman Toi isikust, vaid avab ka tema elu ümbritsenud maailma ajaloolist tausta. Kalli Paakspuu on teinud selle filmi eesmärgiga avada laiemat konteksti kultuurilooliselt tähtsast isikust kõigile, kes huvituvad eesti kultuuriloost ja ajaloost.
Viljandist pärit Roman Toi sai lauluisaks kõikidele läänes elavatale koorilauljatele samamoodi nagu seda oli samal ajal Gustav Ernesaks okupeeritud Eestis. Peame oluliseks Roman Toi isiku ja tema elutöö tutvustamist nooremale generatsioonile ja laiemale publikule.
Seoses Roman Toi 100-aasta juubeliga 2016. aastal tegi Rootsi Eestlaste Liit Eesti
valitsusele ettepaneku luua ja paigaldada Roman Toi austuseks tema kuju Tallinna
lauluväljakule Gustav Ernesaksa kuju kõrvale. Karismaatilised ja teovõimsad isiksused
mõlemad, aitasid nad rasketel aegadel elustada eesti rahvustunnet meile põhilise koorilaulu abil. Toi ja Ernesaks valiti esimese, taasvaba Eesti, 1990.a. laulupeo audirigentideks. Toi tõi endaga Tallinnasse mitte ainult oma segakoori ”Estonia”, vaid ka Eestis varem keelatud Juhan Aaviku koraali ”Hoia Jumal Eestit”, mida tuli publiku soovil korrata koguni kolm korda. Roman Toi ühendas oma isikus Lääne-eestlaste vankumatult rahvuslike ja demokraatlike laulupidude indu, rõõme ja sära.
Roman Toi film on inglise keeles.
Vaata filmi Roman Toi treilerit SIIN
Loe lähemalt filmist “Apteeker Melchior. Timuka tütar” (2022)
Loe lähemalt filmist “Apteeker Melchior. Viirastus” (2022)
Estetic filmiklubi
+46 76 793 53 55
On Friday, November 24 the last film night of the November Nights Film Festival (NÖFF) took place with the premiere of the film “Maestro Roman Toi. Beautiful Song I Dedicate to You” (2022). The film was presented by the director Kalli Paakspuu from Toronto, Canada. After the film screening, there was a discussion with the filmmaker in English. The film night concluded with screenings of the medieval thrillers “Timuka’s Daughter” and “Apparition” from the Melchior, the Apothecary series.
The film about Roman Toi not only explores the personality of Roman Toi but also opens up the historical context of the world that surrounded him. Kalli Paakspuu made this film with the aim of providing a broader cultural and historical context for this historically significant figure to anyone interested in Estonian cultural history.
Roman Toi, originally from Viljandi, became a singing sensation for all Estonian choir singers living in the West during the occupation, just as Gustav Ernesaks was in occupied Estonia at the same time. It is important for us to introduce the personality of Roman Toi and his life’s work to the younger generation and a wider audience.
Kalli Paakspuu: “Roman Toi learnt his first lesson about communists when a classmate’s father was shot down at the train station: Resist and make songs as fists. Maestro Roman Toi advocated social justice and peaceful resistance through choral music. When the Republic of Estonia became occupied by the Soviets and his home was in ashes, Roman Toi broadcasted Estonian music from Nazi-occupied Poland becoming a bridge between Estonians in exile and in the homeland. He composed choral works to the powerful poetry of Ärkamisaeg, the Estonian Age of Awakening, becoming a charismatic personality most active in reviving the Estonian Republic. His life story is told through music, magic realist imagery and a creative adaptation of his published autobiography.”
In connection with Roman Toi’s 100th anniversary in 2016, the Association of Estonians in Sweden (REL) proposed to the Estonian government to create and install a statue of Roman Toi next to Gustav Ernesaks’s statue on the Tallinn Song Festival Grounds. They were both charismatic and influential personalities and they helped to revive the sense of Estonian nationality during difficult times through choral singing. Toi and Ernesaks were chosen as the conductors for the first, post-independence Estonian Song Festival in 1990. Toi brought not only his choir “Estonia” from Toronto to Tallinn but also Juhan Aavik’s anthem “Hoia Jumal Eestit!”, which was forbidden in Estonia before. This song had to be repeated three times due to the audience’s request at the song festival. Roman Toi embodied the unwavering enthusiasm, joy, and radiance of Western Estonians in national and democratic song festivals.
Watch the trailer for the Roman Toi film HERE.
The Roman Toi film is in English.
More about the medieval thriller “Melchior, the Apothecary. Executors Daughter” (2022)
More about the medieval thriller “Melchior, The Apothecary. Apparition” (2022)
Estetic Filmclub
+46 76 793 53 55