New Baltic Sea Generation

Kihnu tüdruk Iphoniga rannas Foto: Renee Altrov

Conference on the occasion of the Centennial of the Estonia’s independence, the Centennial of the Latvia’s independence, the Centennial of the Restoration of the State of Lithuania

Organised by:
– Embassy of the Republic of Estonia in the Kingdom of Sweden
– Embassy of the Republic of Latvia in the Kingdom of Sweden
– Embassy of the Republic of Lithuania in the Kingdom of Sweden
– Race For The Baltic Swedish Institute

Place: Tallink, Baltic Queen (Värtahamnen, Hamnpirsvägen 10, Stockholm)

Date: 13th of September 2018


11:00 Introduction

11:05 Welcoming address and opening remarks

11:20 First panel „Innovations for the Sustainable Development in the Baltic Sea Region“

– Prof. Tarmo Soomere, the President of the Estonian Academy of Sciences, Professor of Coastal Engineering and Leading Research Scientist, Head of Wave Engineering Laboratory, Tallinn University of Technology
– Mr Viesturs Celmiņš, Latvian University (on cities in the Baltic Sea Region) (TBC)
– Ms Ignė Stalmokaitė, Doctoral Student, Environmental Science, School of Natural Sciences, Technology and Environmental Studies, Södertörn University
– Mrs Johanna Ragnartz, CEO, Keep Sweden Tidy

12:30 Networking lunch

13:30 Second panel „Opportunities for Young Generation and Possibilities of the Contribution of Young People“

– Mr Krists Avots, Stockholm School of Economics in Riga
– Mrs Helen Sooväli-Sepping, Professor of Environmental Management, Senior Researcher of Cultural Geography, Editor-in-chief of Estonian Human Development Report 2019, urban and community activist
– Ms Urtė Petrulytė, Lithuanian Youth Council’s board member responsible for international relations
– Ms Olga Zuin, Baltic 2030 Unit at the CBSS Secretariat

14:40 Closing remarks

15:00 End of the conference

Please be so kind and register on our official event webpage:
For details contact with Marleen Kalavus (ee.af1741793656m@suv1741793656alak.1741793656neelr1741793656am1741793656), Embassy of Estonia

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