The Crooning Wind review

Foto:Ivo Krustok

Etenduse “See uluja tuul” arvustus

Last night I experienced something unique and amazing with a room full of others – a production of The Crooning Wind by a small ensemble of talented Estonian’s which reached me deeply and profoundly though I do not understand Estonian.

My recommendation: I implore anyone interested in exploring the mysterious miracle of being to find a way to experience this 45 minute performance.

I want to share some of the reasons I whole heartedly recommend anyone who is awake to see this without taking anything away form the experience of being in the audience yourself. Even so, a person sitting behind me was seeing this for the second time, and I would see it again too, so spoilers would not actually diminish the greatness there is to experience here. I was asked to write this review because after the performance the Director was aware there were non-Estonian speakers in the audience and was curious to hear their impressions. The experience I had was complete and in line with the intention of the performance and the experience of the others in the audience – even without the understanding of language the message came through clearly. I am not a professional writer or reviewer, so forgive a non-traditional review here; I hope not to ramble. 

As a whole, the Crooning Wind
is a meditative experience,

a contemplation of being human and a nod to the miraculous universe
to which we have membership.

If you are reading this you are alive, conscious and aware of this condition as you think about your breathing, as you breathe in cool air and exhale from your lungs, as you have and will every moment of your life. Billions of lives have come before you, and will continue long after you have passed. Though this world is experienced through your eyes with you as the main character, that is only a consequence of physical being – the perspective of the world from you as the main character is the same for all people. Though everyone experiencing the world is alive they may not be equally awake to the profound nature of being – The Crooning Wind provides a steady breeze to help awaken that awareness.
Motion, breath. At this moment, at this very moment while you read this sentence a lion is also breathing; a whale is gliding through the cold waters of a great ocean and a bird soars on the air; countless stars burn with fury in the depths of space almost impossible to imagine and you are breathing, reading the end of this sentence. 100 years ago you did not exist and in 100 years from now you will not either – but you exist now. You are present now, and you are sharing this profound experience with all of the other unique and beautiful members of our planet past and present. The Crooning Wind assists in taking you to these sacred and shared experiences as human beings in the infinite eternal moment.
Music reaches into us, it can kiss the heart or raise the blood even without words. It is a vehicle of communication that resonates with our understanding without need of language – with harmony, melody, tempo, tone and the sublime nature of the instruments themselves, be they a human voice or a tightened string or a percussive surface. Music comes and goes, and for the duration of our experience of it, we are somehow (which I continue to be fascinated by in trying to understand) transported by the experience of hearing it, and perhaps appreciating the silence which underlies it and all sound. The Crooning Wind brings music in as a member of the production, gracefully introducing its layers, its touches intermingling and exciting the heart and mind and adding its voice to the event.
Space is a physical reality. It is experienced as the physical “stuff” we are made of and the space in between all of the “stuff”. Atoms, plants, animals, celestial bodies – the space between is an ephemeral elegant changing constant; the physical forms within the spaces are stone or forest or flesh. The physicalness of being includes the experience of heat and cold, of heaviness and lightness, and of light and dark an of moving among all of these. The Crooning Wind opens windows to see the miracle of the physical existence subtlety and beautifully through light, sound and space.
Man and woman are the main characters in the performance who allow us to enter their experience as they create and hold the sacred space and event. These actors are not merely acting but actually being that which the performance is about. They fill the space and draw you in with them to the event of being an awake and consciously present witness to the hard, sad, lovely, warm, wonderful, chaotic, pleasant and enchanted awesome miracle of being. The actors words are from poetry but I cannot say more because I did not understand a single word – but the message was still profound and clear.
A person is very lucky to witness such an event as The Crooning Wind. See it while it exists!!

Pole just tavaline, et koged midagi hämmastavat ja haruldast ühes saalitäie rahvaga, kelle keelt sa ei valda. Aga just sellise kogemuse pakkus mulle etendus „See uluja tuul“, esitajaks väike ja andekas esinejatekooslus Eestist.

Soovitan: kes iganes tunneb huvi uurida olemise mõistatuslikku imet, leidke võimalus osa saada sellest 45-minutisest etteastest.

Stockholmi Eesti Majas toimunud etendusel oli teisigi eesti keelt mittekõnelevaid vaatajaid; pärast etendust küsiti minult, mis muljed mul olid. Ütlesin, et mu kogemus oli täielik; usun, et tajusin tüki taotlust ühes teiste kohalviibinutega – sõnum jõudis pärale keelebarjäärist hoolimata.

„See uluja tuul“ on meditatsioon, mõtisklus inimeseks olemisest ning vaikne kummardus saladuslikule loomele,
millesse kuulume.

Kes siinset loeb, on järelikult elus, teadvusel, teadlik oma olukorrast, kui hingab aina jahedat õhku sisse ja välja, nagu on seda teinud ja teeb veel kogu oma elu. Miljardeid elusid on meile eelnenud, miljardeid elusid jääb kestma pärast me lahkumist. Oleme peaosalised oma maailmakogemuses, ent selle rolli tingib meie füüsilisus – ja kõigi positsioon on sama. Kõik kogeme, et maailm on elus, aga me teadlikkus oma olemasolu sügavusest olla tihtipeale erinev. „See uluja tuul“ on kui kandev tuulehoog, mis seda teadlikkust toidab.

Liikumine, hingamise tegu. Samal hetkel, kui loete siinset arvustust, hingab lõvi kusagil savannis sisse ja välja, vaalad liuglevad läbi otsatute külmade ookeanide, linnud tiirlevad õhus jne. Lugematud tähed lõõmavad raevust peaaegu kujutlematuis avarustes, ja samal ajal te hingate, hingate, kui loete selle lause lõppu. Sada aastat varem polnud meid sellisena olemas ja sada aastat hiljem pole meid enam – aga praegu oleme. Oleme siin ja jagame üht põhimõttelist kogemust ühes teiste meie planeedi praeguste ja kunagiste ainulaadsete elanikega. See inimeseks olemise püha ja jagatud kogemus nüüdse hetke igavikus ongi see, mida „See uluja tuul“ kannab.

Muusika sirutub meieni, suudleb sõnatult me südant, paneb selle rohkem tuksuma. Muusika ongi suhtlusvahend, mida mõistame ka keele abita – läbi harmooniate, meloodia, tempo, helistike, instrumentide endi üleva loomuse, olgu viimasteks siis inimhääled, pingule tõmmatud keeled või trummipind. Muusika algab ja lõpeb, aga kuni seda kuuleme, kannab selle kogemus meid endaga ja aitab hinnata vaikust, mis jätkub alati kõigi helide varjus.

Etenduses „See uluja tuul“ on muusika justkui osaline, loob etendusse tasahaaval uusi kihte, lõimub ülejäänud tükiga, lisab oma hääle. See on kui ruum – ruum on füüsiline reaalsus, kogeme seda nii ainena, millest oleme tehtud, kui ka „tühimikena“ aineliste objektide vahel; aatomid, taimed, loomad, taevakehad – nad kõik asuvad kusagil „ruumis“, see ruum on me maailma elegantne, muutuv, adutav konstant. Kivid, mets või ihud on siinse olemasolu füüsiline kuju – olemasolu füüsilisuses kogeme soojust ja külma, raskust ja kergust, valgust ja pimedust kõigi objektide vahel. Heli, valgus ja ruum teevad „Uluja tuulest“ akna, millest kiigata oma siinse olemasolu mõistatusse. Mees ja naine etenduses jagavad oma kogemust – loovad ja hoiavad väikest püha ruumi ja sündmust; näitlejad ei näitle, vaid saavad selleks, millest etendus kõneleb. Nad haaravad vaataja kaasa teekonnale teadlik olemise poole, elu raskustele, kurbustele, armsusele, soojusele, imelisusele, kaootilisusele, kaunidusele ja lummavusele tunnistajaks olemise poole.

Seepärast ongi õnn kogeda sündmust nagu „See uluja tuul“. Minge ja vaadake, kuni selleks võimalust.

Ken Jenkins
moc1736753712.liam1736753712g@dne1736753712irfts1736753712ebsgo1736753712d1736753712Tõlge: Mathura
Foto: Ivo Krustok

“See uluja tuul” etendus leidis aset Stockholmi Eesti Majas 13. jaanuaril 2018. 
Korraldaja: Klubi Estetic
Lavastaja: Loore Martma
Etenduse info von Krahli kodulehel

Foto: Ivo Krustok




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