Mr. Stefano Giangiacomo from the Swedish-Latvian Association, Mrs. Anna Wieslander, Director for the Northern Europe at Atlantic Council and Secretary General of the Swedish Defence Association; Patrik Oksanen journalist, Mitt Media. Photo: Peter von Fàbry EichnerMrs. Elisabeth Bauer, Head of the Office for the Nordic and Baltic countries of the Konrad Adenauer Foundation. Photo: Peter von Fábry EichnerMr. Gunnar Hökmark, Member of the European Parliament (M); Ambassador Hans-Jürgen Heimsoeth, Embassy of the Federal Republic of Germany in Sweden; Prof. Hain Rebas; Mr. David Lindén, Nerikes Allehanda. Photo: Peter von Fábry EichnerProf. Hain Rebas. Photo: Aili Suiste RundinMr. Ilmar Metsalo, The Ulkopolitist, Finland; Mr. Gunnar Hökmark: Ambassador Hans-Jürgen Heimsoeth, prof. Hain Rebas, Mr. David Lindén, Mrs. Anna Wieslander. Photo: Peter von FabryMr. Gunnar Hökmark and Ambassador Hans-Jürgen Heimsoeth. Photo: Peter von Fábry EichnerProf. Matthew Rhodes, George C. Marshall European Centre for Security Studies, Germany and Mrs. Anke Schmidt Felzmann, UI. Photo: Peter von Fábry-EichnerMajor General (ret) Karlis Neretnieks, Swedish Academy of War Sciences and Dr. Björn von Sydow, Chairman of the Swedish Defence Commission (Försvarsberedningen), Member of the Riksdagen (S) Photo: Peter von Fábry-EichnerMajor General (ret) Karlis Neretnieks and Mrs. Lolita Cigane, Member of Saeima, Latvia. Photo: Aili Suiste RundinProf. Matthew Rhodes and Dr. Mike Winnerstig, ICDS and Swedish Defence Research Agency (FOI). Photo: Peter von Fábry EichnerAmbassador Wieslaw Tarka, Embassy of the Republic of Poland in Sweden. Photo: peter von Fábry-EichnerMrs. Riina Kaljurand, Research Fellow at the International Centre for Defence and Security in Tallinn (ICDS); Director of Lennart Meri Conference in Estonia. Photo: Aili Suiste RundinAmbassador Eitvydas Bajarunas, Ministry of Foreign Affairs of Lithuania; Dr. Jana Puglierin, German Council on Foreign relations (DGAP) and Prof. Matthew Rhodes Photo: Peter von Fábry-EichnerMrs. Sirle Sööt, Chairman for the Association of the Estonians in Sweden and German Ambassador Hans-Jürgen Heimsoeth Photo: Peter von Fábry-Eichner