XVI Hiiu Folk Festival @Hiiumaa 15-18 juuli!

Hiiu Folk 2021

In English: The 16th Hiiu Folk Festival on the island of Hiiumaa 15-18 July 2021

Juba 15. juulil algab XVI Hiiumaa pärimusmuusikafestival Hiiu Folk, mille teemaks on “Aja lugu”.

Muusikasõpru rõõmustab tänavu Eesti pärimusmuusika koorekiht: Curly Strings, Tõnis Mägi, Estonian Voices, Puuluup, Mari Kalkun, Svjata Vatra, Justament ning paljud teised. Külalisteks välisriikidest on Ida Elina (Soome), PásztorHóra (Ungari) ja Jon Samuel Lundström ja Sunniva Brynnel (Rootsi), Kokle (Läti) ja Banga (Läti). Programmist leiab ka Jaak Johansoni mälestuskontserdi Kärdla kirikus. 

Tutvu kõikide esinejatega siin

Kutsume kõiki ka loodusretkedele, pärimusmuusika töötubadesse ja lapsi lastepesadesse! Hiiu folk on alkovaba üritus. 

Kuidas tulla? Hiiumaale saab mandrilt praamiga (www.praamid.ee) või lennukiga Tallinnast (https://sll.flights). Viimastel aastatel on aga populaarseks saanud oma paadiga tulemine, sest Hiiumaal on külaliste vastuvõtmiseks väga heas korras sadamad (https://www.visitestonia.com/en/where-to-go/islands/hiiumaa-island). Mõnusad puhkekohad on sadamapiirkondades ka karavani-autodega reisijatele. 

Kust piletid saab osta? Hiiu Folgi majutuspakette müüb Eesti suurim reisiagentuur Estravel www.estravel.ee ja festivali passe saab osta Piletilevist www.piletilevi.ee. Tallink CLUB ONE püsiklientidele on pilet -10% soodsam. Lapsed kuni 13-aastat tasuta. 

Neljajalgsed sõbrad palutakse koju jätta. Covid-19 viiruse levikuga ja sellega seotud piirangutega võib tekkida programmis muudatusi.

Festivali info www.hiiufolk.ee

Varasemaid folke aitab meenutada Megapiksel Stuudiod. 

Kohtumiseni XVI Hiiu Folgil Hiiumaal 15.-18. juulil!

Astrid Nõlvak (EST, ENG)

Hiiu Folk Festival
+372 56 150 002

Hiiu Folk. Foto Laur Meldorf
Hiiu Folk Foto Laur Meldorf
Hiiu Folk. Foto Laur Meldorf

Already on 15 July, the Hiiu Folk Festival, one of the major events of traditional Estonian culture, will be opened for the 16th year on the fabulous Baltic Sea island of Hiiumaa. The theme of this year’s festival is “The Story of Time”, with the program including a number of narratives from Hiiumaa and elsewhere from Estonia.

Of Estonia’s own entertainers, the public will be able to enjoy Estonian Voices, Curly Strings, Tõnis Mägi, Puuluup, Mari Kalkun, Justament and many others. Great artists will also arrive from abroad, of whom the most noted will no doubt be the Finnish pop-folk kantele player Ida Elina. She will give a concert at Kassari Swing Ground on the evening of Saturday, 17 July. Besides Ida Elina we have other fantastic musicians from foreign countries: Jon Samuel Lindström and Sunniva Brynnel (Sweden), PásztorHóra (Hungary), Kokle (Latvia) and Banga (Latvia).

Sunday will traditionally be a Church Day, with concerts being held at churches and
chapels across the island. The Festival will conclude with a commemoration of Jaak Johanson, who left us this year. The commemorative concert “Jaak’s Songs and Songs to Jaak“ will take place at Kärdla Church on the evening of Sunday, 18 July.

As always, the guests will get the opportunity of participating in nature trips on the
scenic Hiiumaa. It will also be possible to partake in folk music workshops led by the best masters in their field. The tinier family members will find plenty of action awaiting them in designated ‘kids’ nests’. Hiiu Folk is an alcohol-free event. It intends to offer unadulterated joy and thrill both to the big and the small.

How to get there? You can get to Hiiumaa from mainland Estonia by ferry (tickets
available at www.praamid.ee) or by plane directly from Tallinn (at https://sll.flights).
But in recent years, it has become particularly popular to arrive at the Festival in one’s own watercraft, all the more because the small Hiiumaa harbours are wonderfully tidy and ready to receive guests (further information at https://www.visitestonia.com/en/where-to-go/islands/hiiumaa-island). Ports in Hiiumaa are also ready to welcome caravan-travellers because there are special spots for the vehichles within the area of the ports.

How to get the tickets? Hiiu Folk’s accommodation packages are offered by Estonia’s largest travel agency Estravel at www.estravel.ee, and Festival passports can be purchased from the Piletilevi sales portal at www.piletilevi.ee. Tallink CLUB ONE frequent card owners will have -10% discount from the festival passes both via Piletilevi sales portal as well on spot. Children aged 13 or under can attend the Festival free of charge.

The audience will be requested to leave their four-footed friends at home for the duration of the Festival to enable everyone the ultimate enjoyment from the concerts.

As the spread of the Covid-19 virus and government decisions may still interfere with the plans, the organisers of Hiiu Folk will not be immune to modifying the schedule and the program. 

For further information on the Festival and its arrangements, please visit the website www.hiiufolk.ee

Last years’ emotions are beautifully captured in the Youtube videos below by our partner Megapiksel Stuudiod.

See you at the 16th Hiiu Folk Festival on island Hiiumaa 15-18 July 2021!

Astrid Nõlvak (EST, ENG)
Chief Organizer and Artistic Director

Hiiu Folk Festival
+372 56 150 002

Hiiu Folk. Foto Laur Meldorf
Puuluup Foto Laur Meldorf
Hiiu Folk Foto Laur Meldorf

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