

Security Challenges in the Baltic Sea Region: Historical Perspectives and The Way Forward

22 April 2017 at the Stockholm City Conference Center (Norra Latin), Stockholm

The aim of the conference was to increase awareness of the present and emerging security risks and challenges, and NATOs role  to safeguard freedom and security in Baltic Sea Region.

The conference  brought together historians, politicians, officials, research fellows and journalists, who have expertise and unique insights into the present Baltic Sea Region security environment. 

LIVE! http://upnorth.eu/baltic-sea-security-live-stream/

PROGRAMME with introduction of speakers

The conference was organised by the Association of Estonians in Sweden (REL) in cooperation with the Estonian World Council, a global federation of Estonian congresses, federations and associations abroad (established 1954 in USA),  as well as the foreign and security policy think tank Stockholm Free World Forum (SFWF), the Swedish Atlantic Council, the Association of Latvians in Sweden, Swedish-Latvian Association and Lithuanian Community in Sweden. Event was co-sponsored by the Konrad Adenauer Foundation and the North Atlantic Treaty Organisation. 

The Association of Estonians in Sweden (REL) was established in September 1956 to protect and represent the rights and interests of Estonians in Sweden. During the Cold War the main focus of the organisation was to support the struggle for the freedom of Estonia and the other Baltic States. Even now, after Estonia has been independent for 25 years and has been a member of the European Union and NATO since 2004, we are deeply concerned about the current geopolitical situation. Last year we campaigned against Nord Stream 2 #STOPNORDSTREAM2 and we managed to draw the attention of both the Swedish media and politicians. Sweden’s Minister of Foreign Affairs, Ms Margot Wallström, responded directly to the campaign. 

+46 72 519 04 80

Among the guests, Mr. Peeter Pütsep, the vice-chairman of the Association of Estonians in Sweden. Photo: Peter von Fabry Eichner
Stefano Giangiacomo, Anna Wieslander and Patrik Oksanen. Photo Peter von Fabry Eichner
Mrs Elisabeth Bauer, the Head of the Office of the Konrad Adenauer Foundation (KAS) for the Baltic and Nordic countries, based in Riga, Latvia. Photo: Peter von Fabry Eichner
Mr. Gunnar Hökmark, a Swedish Member of the European Parliament for the Moderate party and dr. Hans-Jürgen Heimsoeth, ambassador of the Federal Republic of Germany in Sweden. Photo: Peter von Fabry Eichner
In 1990, together with Peeter Luksep, Håkan Holmberg and Andres Küng, Mr. Gunnar Hökmark initiated the Monday demonstrations (Måndagsrörelsen) – weekly meetings on Stockholm’s Norrmalmstorg in support of the Baltic states’ regaining their independence. On the background is photo of Mr. Gunnar Hökmark on the demonstration in front of the Sovjet Embassy. This photo was a peace of the exhibition “Struggling for Freedom in Exil” Photo: Peter von Fabry Eichner
Prof emeritus Hain Rebas opening the panel discussion “Security Challenges in the Baltic Sea Region. Lessons from History” Photo Aili Suiste Rundin
Gunnar Hökmark, dr Hans -Jürgen Heimsoeth, prof. Hain Rebas. Photo: Aili Suiste Rundin
Mr. David Lindén, Editorial Writer at the Swedish broadsheet Nerikes Allehanda, based in Örebro. Photo: Peter von Fabry Eichner
Mr. Ilmar Metsalo, Mr. Gunnar Hökmark, dr. Hans-Jürgen Heimsoeth, prof. Hain Rebas, Mr. David Lindén and Mrs. Anna Wieslander discussing the historical perspectives of the security challenges in the Baltic Sea Region. Photo: Peter von Fabry Eichner
Photo: Aili Suiste Rundin
Photo: Peter von Fabry Eichner
Networking during the brake. Prof Matthew Rhodes from the George C. Marshall European Center for Security Studies and Anke Schmidt-Felzmann from the Swedish Institute for International Affairs Photo: Peter von Fabry Eichner
Networking during the brake. Ambassador Eitvydas Bajarunas, dr. Mike Winnerstig, major general (ret) Karlis Neretnieks, dr. Björn von Sydow. Photo: Peter von Fabry Eichner
Mr. Eitvydas Bajarunas, Ambassador-at-Large with responsibility for Hybrid Threats at the Ministry of Foreign Affairs of the Republic of Lithuania in Vilnius and dr Mike Winnerstig, Deputy Director of Research at the Swedish Defence Research Agency (FOI) Photo: Peter von Fabry Eichner
Dr. Björn von Sydow, the Chairman of the Swedish Defence Commission (Försvarsberedningen), member of the Swedish War Delegation and Chair of the Swedish Parliament’s (Riksdagen) delegation to NATO’s Parliamentary Assembly. Photo: Peter von Fabry Eichner
Ambassador Wiesław Tarka, the Ambassador of the Republic of Poland to Sweden, opens the second part of the conference. Photo: Peter von Fabry Eichner
Mrs. Riina Kaljurand, the Director of the Lennart Meri Conference and a Research Fellow at the International Centre for Defence and Security (ICDS) in Tallinn, moderates the second part of the conference Photo: Aili Suiste Rundin
Ambassador Eitvydas Bajarunas, dr. Jana Puglierin and Matthew Rhodes. Photo: Peter von Fabry Eichner
Karlis Neretnieks and Lolita Cigane. Photo: Peter von Fabry Eichner
Dr. Jana Puglierin, head of the Alfred von Oppenheim Center for European Policy Studies at the German Council on Foreign Relations (DGAP) and a foreign and security policy analyst focusing on Germany, the EU and transatlantic relations. Photo: Aili Suiste Rundin
Mrs. Lolita Čigāne, the Chair of the European Affairs Committee of the Latvian Parliament (Saeima) and Member of Parliament for the party Unity. Photo: Aili Suiste Rundin
Dr. Mike Winnerstig, non-resident research fellow at the ICDS in Tallinn and a fellow of the Royal Swedish Academy of the War Sciences (KKrvA). Photo: Aili Suiste Rundin
Dr. Björn von Sydow, a member of the Swedish War Delegation and the Chair of the Swedish Parliament’s (Riksdagen) delegation to NATO’s Parliamentary Assembly. Photo: Peter von Fabry Eichner
Latvian Ambassador Algimantas Rimkunas and Mrs. Regina Molina from the Lithuanian Club of Professionals Photo: Peter von Fabry Eichner
Mrs. Sirle Sööt, manager of the conference and German Ambassador Dr. Hans-Jürgen Heimsoeth Photo: Peter von Fabry Eichner




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