Avaleht Kalender Kontsert – Tree Stones Quartet

Kontsert – Tree Stones Quartet

Eesti, Läti ja Leedu taasiseseisvumisele pühendatud kontsert. 

Konsert till minne av de baltiska staternas frigörelse från Sovjetunionen för 30 år sedan.

16 september 2021 

kl 17.30-18.10 (dörrar öppnas kl 16.30)
kl 22.00-22.40 (dörrar öppnas kl 19.00)

Scala jazzclub, Estniska Huset, Wallingatan 34

Tree Stones Quartet:
Kestutis Vaiginis – saxophones, Lithuania
Dmitrij Golovanov – piano, Lithuania
Peedu Kass – double bass, Estonia
Kaspars Kurdeko – drums, Latvia

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Ansambel “Tree Stones Quartet” ühendab Eesti, Läti ja Leedu parimaid noori ja juba rahvusvahelist tähelepanu koguvaid jazzmuusikuid. Kvartett mängib bändiliikmete originaalmuusikat, mille kõlapildis kohtuvad jazzmuusika traditsioon ja tänapäev. Särtsu lisab nende muusikale hardbopi ja latin-jazzi mõjutused. Kõik bändiliikmed on kodumaa publikule tuttavad tegijad ja mitmetes teistes Euroopa bändides mängivad muusikud. Ansambel on jõudnud juba üles astuda Saksamaal, Poolas, Leedus, Lätis ja Eestis. Aastal 2013 salvestasid nad Riias oma esimese albumi “Baltic Sketches”, mis jõudis 2014. aasta märtsis publikuni. Valminud album on selge gruuvi, jõuliste meloodiate ja õhulise atmosfääriga jazzplaat, mille kaanekujundust kaunistab kargelt muinasjutuline foto põhjamaisest maastikust. Ansambel on andnud üle 30 kontserdi ja jõudnud esineda Saksamaal, Tšehhis, Poolas, Leedus ja Eestis.

Tree Stones Quartet was created in 2012 where the finest Baltic jazz musicians from 3 different countries – Lithuania, Latvia and Estonia – decided to form this unique formation. From the very beginning, the bands playing was evident with great musical chemistry and dynamic interplay. That led to the idea to continue this project and bring it to the next musical level and be exposed to wider audiences. The concept of the group is to develop original compositions, that delve into the jazz idiom and as well create their own musical language and vocabulary, with a unique palette of sounds. A story is everywhere, as well as in music that the quartet is composing where strong melodies, diverse grooves and atmospheres draw musical statements that reflect the inner and outside world of today. The quartet has already performed in Lithuania, Estonia, Latvia, Poland and Germany and recorded their debut album in Riga, Latvia which will be launched in late autumn 2013.

Kęstutis Vaiginis – saxophone player, one of the most talented saxophonists of the young generation in Lithuania. Kestutis stands out for his clear and controlled sound, lyricism and passion. Kęstutis rapidly established himself on the Lithuanian jazz scene, having performed with the musicians of his generation and with more experienced ones from Lithuania and abroad. The list of his stage partners includes Barbara Dennerlein, Daniel Messina, Hernan Romero, David Berkman, Alex Sipiagin, Ed Howard, Randal Corsen, Bilal Karaman, Burak Bedikyan, Ferit Odman, Herbie Kopf, Joonas Haavisto and others. He performed his own music not only at home but also in the Netherlands, Spain, France, Malaysia, Brazil, Ukraine, UK, Azerbaijan, Georgia, Belarus, South Africa, China, Canada, the USA and Turkey. In 2010 he was awarded the Grand Prix of the Birštonas Jazz Festival for his significant contribution to Lithuanian jazz. He graduated from the Lithuanian Academy of Music and Theatre and honed his skills in Prince Claus Conservatorium, Amsterdam School of Arts (the Netherlands) and Manhattan School of Music (New York). 2013 he was awarded by President Joachim Gauck the Europamusicale Music Prize. He appeared in many jazz festivals like North Sea Jazz, Rotterdam Jazz, Cape Town Jazz, Ottawa Jazz and Hong Kong Jazz.

Dmitrij Golovanov is one of the most demanded jazz pianists in Lithuania. He is the winner of several international jazz piano competitions as well as the semifinalist of Montreux Jazz Solo Piano Competition in 2012 and a finalist of the European Jazz Competition in Rotterdam in 2013. For the last decade, he is an active participant of the Lithuanian jazz scene collaborating with the most prominent musicians. He studied in Lithuanian Academy for Music and F. Mendelssohn-Bartholdy Music Conservatoire in Leipzig (Germany) with Richie Beirach. Dmitrij performs various music styles ranging from traditional, modern – creative, free jazz to classic/jazz crossover and experimental electronic music. His skills allowed him to become a member of several international and local groups with whom he performed in jazz concerts all over Europe, appeared on numerous CD’s as well as played in Europe’s renowned jazz festivals such as London Jazz, Brugge Jazz, Pori Jazz and etc. Collaborations include trio VD, Jeff Cascaro, Jacob Riis, Byron Wallen, Eska Mtungwazi and many others.

Bassist Peedu Kass moves and grooves with the top names on the Estonian jazz scene and beyond.  After garnering the prestigious Young Talent prize (2010) at Estonia’s annual Jazzkaar festival, Kass quickly established a reputation as Tallinn’s first-call bassist, and his entrée onto the wider European scene was anticipated by his win, at age twenty, of the Sony Jazz Stage award in Riga, Latvia, in a year (2006) in which the competition was focused on his instrument.  He has since shared the bandstand with the likes of Django Bates, Marilyn Mazur, Seamus Blake, Tony Allen, Lonnie Liston Smith, Antonio Hart, and the European Jazz Orchestra.  His tours have taken him all over Europe and to the United States, Canada, Japan, and Australia, and he has thrilled to the view from the stage of storied jazz festivals (London, Kongsberg, Pori) and clubs (Smalls, New York City; Pit Inn, Tokyo; Vortex, London). Kass leads several bands, including the piano trio “Peedu Kass Momentum,” which won Jazzkaar’s “Jazz Ensemble of the Year” award in 2017. The first album under his own name, a quintet effort, Home, was released in 2010, followed shortly by Armada in 2012. His latest, Peedu Kass Momentum, was released in April 2016 and was nominated for jazz album of the year at the Estonian Music Awards.

Kaspars Kurdeko has had a passion for music since he was very young. His interest in music and performing increased followed by classical education in a Music Academy in Riga, Latvia. Music has been his life focus and passion. He has sought out and followed every opportunity to learn, listen to, play and write music. Kaspars drumming style delves into the jazz idiom and as well more experimental try-outs and attest to its quest for sounds and forms of improvisation. His drum sound and play are full of sensitive interplay, supportive groove – that suggests strong melodies and yet painting qualities as with the band’s texture of the music and the way it is layered.
Kaspars is Performing active in different musical formations all over the world (US, South Korea, Sweden, Portugal, etc) and as well locally in Netherlands while residing in Amsterdam.

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Estonian Embassy in Stockholm
Latvian Embassy in Stockholm
Lithuanian Embassy in Stockholm
Association of Estonians in Sweden


16 sept. 2021


17:30 - 18:30


Stockholmi Eesti Maja
Wallingatan 34, 2 tr, 111 24 Stockholm