Film “Pingeväljade aednik” – külas Joosep Matjus ja Katri Rannastu NÖFF 2021
Novembriööde filmifestivali NÖFF2021 kava viimane film on dokumentaalfilm “Pingeväljade aednik” (2021) kirjanikust Mehis Heinsaarest.
Külas on filmitegijad Joosep Matjus ja Katri Rannastu.
– Loe lähemalt filmist SIIT
– Vaata treilerit SIIT
– Vaata intervjuud Mehis Heinsaarega saates PLEKKTRUMM SIIT
Filmiklubi toetus 120 kr. Klubi Estetic liikmetele 100 kr.
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The main character of the film is the mysterious writer Mehis Heinsaar, a creator who likes to travel in his inner psychogeography.
The writer is surrounded by unusual and meaningful nature, he can speak the language of animals and birds and see the invisible to the naked eye.
The writer strives for wide meadows through a wild thicket, and those multi-day hikes he calls the pilgrimages of a poor man.
The wanderer has seven encounters along the way, which will open to the viewer the magical inner world of Mehis Heinsaar.
The authors of the film are Joosep Matjus and Katri Rannastu, the cinematographer Joosep Matjus, the editor Katri Rannastu, the author of the film’s music Mati Uprus. The film is produced by Wildkino.
Supported by: Estonian Film Institute, Estonian Cultural Endowment, Estonian Public Broadcasting and Tartu Film Foundation.
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